A Study of the impact of the Musoma Resolution on students personnel services at the University of Dar es Salaam


  • P. B. Biswalo University of Dar es Salaam


In November, 1974, the National Executive Committee of the Tanganyika
Afncan National Union (TANU) met in Musoma to review Tanzania's.
progress in its policies of Socialism and Self.Reliance. Some profound
deficiencies were spotted in the Implementation of the policy of Education for
SelfReliance, especially at post secondary level. It was resolv(:d at that time:
that, from thlm on, formal education would basically end at the secondary
Sch901level. Secondary school graduates would serve one year in the National
Service. Following National Service, these graduates would work several years
before. they would be admitted to any post secondary institution. Post
secondary institutions were, therefore, declared open for adult workers and
peasants who satisfied the minimum entry qualifications (Msekwa, 1975). The
applicants had either to pass the University of Dar es Salaam Mature ~ge
Entrance Examination and "produce a strong recommendation by their
.employers and TANU! ASP (Tanganyika African National Union/Afro
.Shiraz Party) branches, regarding their suitability (in terms of character and
general work performance and commitment for further training at university


