Challenges of Single Spine Salary Structure in Ghana


  • Bossman E. Asare University of Ghana
  • Dennis L. Mpere University of Ghana


Abstract The Single Spine Salary Structure is one of the major components of the Single Spine Pay Policy introduced by the Government of Ghana and implemented in 2010, to regulate the payment of public service workers especially those under article 190 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana. Notwithstanding the well-crafted nature and the objectives of the policy, its implementation has suffered challenges. Analysis of data collected in 2015 reveals some of these challenges including high public expectations, dissatisfaction with the grading structure by some workers, inadequate financial and human resources facing the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, and inadequate education on the policy and allowances of workers. This has generated a lot of conflict among competing stakeholders including suspicions, disagreement and strikes in the process. The challenges indicated above have undermined the full realization of the policy. The article offers some recommendations to address the challenges including high collaboration by the stakeholders, de-politicization of the process, financial availability by government to handle accommodation, massive education and among others.

Keywords: Ghana, fair wages, single spine salary policy, salary

Bossman E. Asare, Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana E-mail:

Dennis L. Mpere, Teaching Assistant, University of Ghana E-mail:


