Institutionalization of Political Parties in Tanzania: A Managerial Approach

Mohammed A. Bakari


The issue of party management and institutionalization is now topical in the democratization discourse in Africa. The initial euphoria of multiparty politics now seems to have been replaced by disillusionment. Reviewing the experience of Tanzania, the paper argues that political parties, institutions which are considered indispensable for democratization and popular representation are generally poorly organized and managed. For political parties to become credible institutions of democratic governance in modern times, this paper, despite the recognition that political parties are first and foremost ‘political’ institutions with distinct principles and strategies aimed at attracting and maintaining supporters for electoral performance, it argues a case for the increasing importance of the  application of key managerial principles. These principles include reorganization, decentralization and delegation of authority, adherence to rules and regulations and the adoption of the various techniques in the exercise of power and influence by party leaders.

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