Employers ' Perceptions of Technical Vocational Education and Training activities in Zimbabwe


  • Albert Makochekanwa University of Zimbabwe
  • Joburg Mahuyu Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Zimbabwe
  • Carren Pindiriri University of Zimbabwe


The research investigated the perceptions of employers regarding technical and vocational training (TVET) system in Zimbabwe. A total of 57 employers of TVET graduates throughout the country were sampled and information and data were collected from them using a structured questionnaire. The study found that, overall; the employers have high positive perceptions about the quality of TVET training programs in Zimbabwe in a number of dimensions. The major challenge with regards to TVET training was that TVET institutions in Zimbabwe are equipped with obsolete and old equipment which is very much behind machines and equipment used in the industry. Furthermore, the study found that TVET training program emphasizes theory more than hands-on practical skills. Going forward, employers suggested that to close the gap between equipment in stock and the technological frontier, TVET institutions and respective funders should raise money to buy new equipment and ensure continuous upgrading of such equipments.

Keywords: Zimbabwe, Technical and Vocational Training, Employers


Albert Makochekanwa, Professor, University of Zimbabwe Email: almac772002@yahoo.co.uk

Joburg Mahuyu, Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Zimbabwe Email:jmahuyu@gmail.com

Carren Pindiriri, Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe Email: cpindiriri@sociol.uz.ac.zw


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