Does the Airport S ervicescape A ffect the Relationship between A irport Outcome Q uality and Passenger S atisfaction?


  • Davidi Stephano National Institute Transport
  • Dev Jani University of Dar es Salaam
  • David Mfinanga University of Dar es Salaam


Airports promote passenger satisfaction with superior service. Airport outcome quality (AOQ) is a part of Airport Service Quality (ASQ), which impacts daily service performance. In this study, the airport servicescape influenced the link between airport outcome quality and passenger satisfaction. The model was developed using the Hierarchical Service Quality Model (HSQM) and Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory, incorporating two direct and moderated paths. The study utilized a convenience sampling technique and conducted a cross-sectional survey of international travellers at critical airports in Tanzania. 389 respondents were evaluated using the PLS-SEM technique. Significant enhancements have been made in the direct and moderated relationships between airport outcome quality and passenger satisfaction. The airport environment was more effectively managed than the direct route. The environment of an airport improves the satisfaction of international airport passengers. Moreover, these findings have implications for theory, methodology, management, and policy. The study enhances the partial least squares research methodologies, specifically for higher-order structures. The study shows airport architects and officials that the airport servicescape is crucial for improving customer satisfaction at airport terminals.


