
  • Ali A. Shariff University of Dar es Salaam
  • Saidi A. Tamba University of Dar es Salaam
  • Azizi A. Mdimi University of Dar es Salaam


In its efforts to restore safety to pedestrians the Government of Tanzania constructed the Manzese Footbridge
along the Morogoro road. The project cost was TShs. 46,300 Million at the price in year 1990. The bridge
design was carried out in accordance with Road Bridge Design Manual published by Japan Road
Unfortunately, only one pedestrian bridge has been built in Dar es Salaam since 1991. Footbridges and
underpasses have hundred percent potential of protecting the pedestrian ' s safety when the traffic stream
being crossed is heavy. It is not known why this advantage is not fully utilized by pedestrians in Dar es
Salaam city. The paper tries to find out the reasons behind this trend.
A case study of the footbridge at Manzese and two neighbouring zebra crossings one on either side of the
bridge were used. Experimental data of the number of pedestrians crossing at the bridge, Tip Top and
Bakhresa zebra crossings at fifteen minute intervals were collected for five working days starting from 1200
to 1515hours. The average deviations of pedestrians crossing at Tip Top and Bakhresa from the bridge were
analysed by means of a paired t-statistic to uncover the usage inadequacy of the crossing facilities. Manzese
foot bridge quality was also analysed by the Five Point Likert Scale using five quality attribute sentences. A
random sample of 165 people was used in the analysis.
The t-statistic showed that the bridge crossing is not significant at 5% level but significant at Tip Top and
Bakhresa zebra crossings. This reveals that the pedestrians are not using the bridge compared with the other
two zebra crossings. The Likert method showed that inadequate security, loss of muscle energy, no plaza,
dizziness and no facilities to attract crossing of all types of pedestrians are reasons hindering its use. It is
recommended that the above findings can be rectified by providing security lighting, police patrol and
modification of bridge structure.


