Constructing A New Rights Regime: Promises, Problems And Prospects


  • Issa G. Shivji


This article reflects on the interface between issues of poverty am deprivation which is the
life-c:ondition of the large majority in the countries of the South, am the approacbes to human rights which have attemp!ed to take on board such issues. The article consists of three sections am an extended appendix. The first section is an introduction which presents the basic premise of the discussion in the article. The second section outJines the key elements defining the lnunan rights am development debates. The third section examines in some detail approaches to litigation practices developed in IIKIia am elsewhere, which take into account notions of lnunan rights am the right to development introduced in earlier sections ofthe article. The two   extended"awendices present moot case proceedings which exemplify theapplication of the novel legal notions introduced in the main body of the article.


