A Descriptive Study of Kiswahili as a Foreign Language Learners ' Motivations: HUFS Case Study


  • Erasmus A Msuya University of Dar es Salaam


This study is a descriptive account of 40 Kiswahili as Foreign Language (KFL)
students of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in South Korea of the
2009/2010 academic year. A questionnaire was administered to these
students, after they agreed to take part in the study. The study is guided by
Cohen and Dörnyei ' s (2002) process motivations and by Brown ' s (1981)
traditional intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. The findings indicate that the
students were variously motivated, although there was predominance of
actional motivations over pre- and post-actional ones. Moreover, the majority
of students were intrinsically motivated to learn KFL mainly within the global
motivation framework, and others were integratively and instrumentally
motivated. It was concluded that, given the dynamic nature of leaner
motivations, the role of a foreign language teacher is sustaining and,
whenever possible, strengthening such motivations.


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