Authorial Stance by Academic Writers in an EFL Context: A Case Study of Journal Article Contributors by UDSM Scholars


  • Erasmus Msuya University of Dar es Salaam


The current study assessed different ways academic writers make their
stance towards the findings of and scholarly assertions by other scholars
as well as their findings in their research report writing. The study was
guided by Hyland ' s (2005) academic interaction model. It involved 60
research articles, chosen randomly from fields of humanities, business
studies, natural sciences and engineering sciences. Documentary review
was used as the sole data gathering tool. The findings show that the
authors variously registered their authorial stance notably -under three
categories of stance nouns: relations, attributes and entity, the most
dominant being the category of entity. It was concluded that the art and
science of academic writing by authors in the studied research articles is
generally similar across disciplines .

Author Biography

Erasmus Msuya, University of Dar es Salaam

Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, University of Dar es Salaam,
P.O. Box 35040, Dar es Salaam, T anzania


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