Efficacy of Communication Skills Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies: Enhancing Tertiary Students ' Communicative Competence in Tanzania


  • Job W. Mwakapina University of Dar es Salaam


This study evaluates the efficacy of the methods and strategies used in
Communication Skills (CS) course teaching and learning in Tanzania.
Specifically, it identifies the methods and strategies used, and examines
the appropriateness of the same in upgrading students ' CS. The study
involved 596 respondents, and data were collected through
questionnaires, interviews, and group discussions. It is indicated that
instructors use varied methods, but questions and answers, web
browsing, and library research are perceived the most appropriate.
Besides, students also use multiple strategies but group discussions, web
browsing, and listening to English conversations are considered the most
appropriate. Therefore, instructors are urged to spend some time during
students ' entry to university to study the incoming students, particularly
on how they learn/ behave during the learning process, to accommodate
the students ' learning differences, difficulties, and preferences when
selecting teaching methods. Also, establishing a strict filtering
mechanism as an option to improve students ' CS, proposed by
Rugemalira (2017), is a good proposal. However, currently, it can result
in filtering all applicants because many have low language proficiency.
Instead, what we need to do meanwhile, is stressing on formalising the
use of modern mobile technologies in the teaching since have been
revealed to be appropriate.

Author Biography

Job W. Mwakapina, University of Dar es Salaam

Lecturer, Department of Language Studies, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro


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