Sign Language Policies, Practices and Challenges in Zimbabwe ' s Universities


  • Victor Mugari University of Dar es Salaam
  • Tawanda Matende


This study examines the teaching and learning of Sign Language in
Zimbabwe with special reference to the national language policy,
current practice and challenges pertaining to its implementation. The
focus is on establishing the medium of instruction that is being used to
teach deaf students and the challenges in interactions that are faced by
both students and lecturers. The data was collected from a sample of
five universities. The findings converge on lack of spelt out
implementation strategies by universities in promoting Sign Language
use and Sign Language instruction in educational institutions in line
with the expectations of statutes espoused in the national constitution.
The universities are yet to roll out Sign Language pedagogy and
promotion through access to education and respect of the basic
linguistic rights that are enjoyed by many of the citizenry in the
country. The selected universities are a representation of both public
and private institutions which would be expected to lead by example in
championing constitutionalism and promotion of local and marginalized
languages. The findings also noted the need for attitude changes by the
general populace if the education system has to embrace Sign Language
as both a medium of instruction and a language subject across
universities, addressing the spirit of inclusive education This study
conscientizes policy makers at both micro and macro levels to walk the
talk and work out strategies for the development of Sign Language.

Author Biographies

Victor Mugari, University of Dar es Salaam

Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mt Pleasant,
Harare, Zimbabwe

Tawanda Matende

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mt Pleasant,
Harare, Zimbabwe,



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