Knowledge Sharing as a Determinant of Turnover Intention of Librarians in Universities in South-West, Nigeria.



Knowledge, knowledge sharing, librarians, turnover, turnover intention, universities


This study probes the place of knowledge sharing in influencing the turnover intention of librarians in South-West Nigerian universities. High turnover rates among librarians pose challenges for organisations, leading to financial losses and a decline in service quality. The study assessed the level of knowledge sharing among librarians, determined their turnover intentions, and examined the influence of knowledge sharing on turnover intentions. The study employed survey methodology, collecting data from 145 librarians in 11 selected university libraries. Data for the study was gathered using a questionnaire comprising two (2) scales for measuring the study’s variables. Section A was designed to capture the demographic characteristics of the respondents; Section B to elucidate data on knowledge sharing behaviour of the respondents and comprised 14 items measured using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Section C obtained data on the turnover intention of the respondents and comprised 17 items measured using a Likert-type scale. The study found librarians to have a positive attitude towards knowledge sharing, expressing willingness to share their knowledge, work experiences, and expertise. They perceive it as beneficial and are encouraged by their superiors. However, they generally have low intentions to resign or quit their positions. The study found that knowledge-sharing behaviour significantly influences turnover intention, suggesting that librarians who engage more in knowledge-sharing are less likely to leave their jobs. The study, thus, suggests that university library management should implement policies that encourage knowledge-sharing behaviour to discourage high librarian turnover intentions.

Keywords: Knowledge, knowledge sharing, librarians, turnover, turnover intention, universities

Author Biographies

Abiodun O. Odunewu, Olabisi Onabanjo University

Senior   Lecturer, Library and Information Science,  

Department of Mass Communication,

Faculty of Social Sciences,

Olabisi Onabanjo University.

Temitope O. Mabawonku, Olabisi Onabanjo University

Assistant Lecturer, Library and Information Science,  

Department of Mass Communication,

Faculty of Social Sciences,

Olabisi Onabanjo University.

Olufemi Francis Olusanya, Olabisi Onabanjo University

Librarian I

Olabisi Onabanjo University Library


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