About the Journal

University of Dar es Salaam Law Journal before becoming Nyerere Law Journal in 2002. Nyerere Law Journal was first published in 1965 as the Denning Law Journal then changed to the University of Dar es Salaam Law Journal before becoming Nyerere Law Journal in 2002.

It is published by the University of Dar es salaam Law Society whose members are students of UDSM School of Law.   It started being published in the year 2014 after a quiescence of Nine (9) years.

Current Issue

Nyerere Law Journal
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Published: 2016-07-21
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Editorial Board

The constitution of the UDSM Law Society designates the post of the Editor of Nyerere Law Journal.
This post is therefore known as the Chief Editor and is chosen from among the students.

The Editor and the Researcher then elects and forms an Editorial Board whose members are chosen
from the teaching staff of the School of Law.

The Chief Editor ' s functions include; receiving articles from the authors and handing them over to
the Editorial Board and effecting communication between the Editorial board and the authors.

The main Editorial work is done by the editorial board, followed by proof reading done by highly
qualified academicians from the teaching staff of the School of Law.

The current Editorial Board is;

Chief Editor-
Assisted by
Pooja Mahendra Karia
Emmanuel Bakilana
Carolyn Hoseah

Editorial Board

Dr. B.T. Mapunda
Prof. H.I. Majamba
Prof. Chris Maina Peter
Prof. G.M. Fimbo
Prof. L.P.Shaidi
Dr. Tulia Ackson
Mr. Jaba Shadrack
Ms. Asina Omari
Prof. J.L. Kanywanyi
Mr. idd. R. Mandi

Proof Reading

Prof. Chris Maina Peter
Prof. H. I. Majamba

Review Process;

The review process goes as follows;

  1. Receipt of articles
  2. Correction of errors by the chief editors and the assistants
  3. Articles sent to the editorial board consisting of the staff members for their editing
  4. Articles sent to the authors for appropriate changes
  5. Articles resent to the editorial board for final editing
  6. Journal compilation by the editorial board
  7. Proof reading
  8. Journal sent for English grammar correction and rectification
  9. Draft journal sent to the designer for designing
  10. Designed journal sent to the publisher for printing
  11. Sample printed copy to be proof read
  12. Publication of the journal

Frequency of Publication

BI annual
Subscription rates
In Tanzania 10,000 (excluding postage)
Outside Tanzania USD 15 (excluding postage)
Mode/ media of publication
Hard copy publication
All regions in Tanzania and Universities in East Africa