Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Andakatoloaka Cave, in Saint Augustine’s Bay Area, Toliara

Rakotozafy Lucien Marie Aimé


Through the Andakatoloaka cave study, this present paper shows an ancient cultural importance of Saint Augustine’s Bay region (South-western Madagascar) and its ecological role. Compared with others Malagasy caves, Andakatoloaka has been essentially a traditional lime manufactory because of a lot of oyster shell remains which, according to the local practise, would constitute an ancient stock of row materials. The existence of the track of hearth with ash and charcoal remains during the excavation confirms this activity. But the succession of the light and the dark stratigraphical layers with some small vertebrate bones inside another square makes an evidence of an alternation of flooding and dry periods in the cave, and the existence of some animals. This situation would mark the manufacturing activity close up, but would allow biodiversity conservation and an ecological balance in the area.

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