Efficacy of Dance in Tanzanian Films: A Quest for the Intentional and Desired Effect in Local Productions


  • Deograsia Ndunguru University of Dodoma


This article argues that the depiction of dance in Tanzanian films, popularly known as Bongo movies, can be intentional and achieve the desired effect when correctly depicted, which appears to be lacking in some of the locally-produced films. The inclusion of dance in films is a common practice in many film-making traditions across the world. Dance in film serves both aesthetic and practical purposes. This qualitative study applied a descriptive survey and multiple case study research designs to collect data using analytical viewing, interviews and Focus Group Discussions. The data were then subjected to thematic coding and interpretation. Guided by the Symbolic Interaction theory (SI), the study advances a triad of dance functions evident in Tanzanian films: Base of a plot, dream sequencing, and picturisation. The study determined the dance ' s role in these films to be somewhat incidental than intended even though the dances featuring in Tanzanian films have use-value. Thus, there is a need for filmmakers to ensure that the dance is intentional and correctly depicted to achieve the desired significant use in communicating salient ideas.



Dance, Tanzanian films, filmmaker(s), Tanzanian filmmaker(s)


Author Biography

Deograsia Ndunguru, University of Dodoma

Department of Art, Media & Design, Lecturer



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