Mythologizing Mwalimu Nyerere and the Recreation of a National Hero in Banyakyusa Narratives

Ignas Fideo


This article examines the myths about Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, the first president of Tanzania, in Banyakyusa narratives. It uses narrative and new historicism theories to capture the recreation of Nyerere as a national hero and understand the interplay between his representation in myths and his depiction in historical and biographical documents. The myths were collected from Busokelo, Kyela, and Rungwe districts in southwest Tanzania. The Banyakyusa believe Nyerere was endowed with massive mystical powers, which helped him win against colonialists, defeat Idi Amin, and build multiparty democracy. Politicians, historians, and the media play a significant role in the recreation or whitewashing of the Nyerere myths.


Nyerere, heroism, myths, mystical powers, Banyakyusa, Nyerere’s stick

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