Impact of Selected Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies on the Music Industry
An Exploration of the Pros and Cons
The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is changing the creative industry. This article examines the impact of selected technologies within the 4IR—artificial intelligence, as well as virtual and augmented reality as case examples—on various aspects of creative production, distribution, and consumption of creative art. Using the theory of knowledge organisation, the article deals with the principles and practices of arranging information and concepts. This qualitative literature review focused on systematically collecting, analysing and synthesising data from existing research to gain a deeper understanding of 4IR from a creative arts perspective. Specifically, the article analyses how 4IR tools influence artistic expression in music and the evolving role of the artist in addition to exploring the transformation of musical art distribution and audience engagement through online platforms and immersive experiences. The impact of selected technologies on the art industry has both positive and negative consequences. Positive impacts include new forms of artistic creation and collaboration, composition with artificial intelligence, art installations with virtual reality and audience engagement, democratisation of art production and accessibility, opportunities for innovation and growth, new forms of creativity and better traceability of works. On the downside, there are technological challenges, skills and labour development, disruption of traditional art markets and business models, ethical considerations and concerns about 4IR-generated music art and information overload. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between technology and artistic practice in the 4IR.
Creative industry, music, fourth industrial revolution, Artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality
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