The Socio-Legal Conundrum of Male Genital Mutilation or Cutting in Nigeria- A Reflection


  • Andrew Ejovwo Abuza University of Dar es Salaam


The Nigerian Government has enacted laws and taken other
measures to promote and protect rights of Nigerian children. This
article reflects on the socio-legal conundrum of male genital
mutilation or cutting (MGM/C) in Nigeria. The research
methodology adopted is mainly doctrinal analysis of applicable
primary and secondary sources. The author is of the view that the
practice of MGM/C of a male child which inflicts agonising pains
on him is barbaric, criminal, amoral, undemocratic,
unconstitutional, unlawful and contrary to international human
rights ' norms or treaties. It is concluded that for the scourge of
MGM/C of a male child in the country to be effectively addressed,
the Nigerian Government must, among other recommendations,
work towards the ban of MGM/C of a male child, except for
medical indication in line with the approach in other countries,
including the United States of America (USA) and Iceland.

Keywords: Child, Male genital mutilation or cutting, Female
genital mutilation or cutting, Child ' s Rights


