Corporate Tax Law and Corporate Social Responsibility in Tanzania: An Examination of their Relationship


  • Daniel A.M. Shayo University of Dar es Salaam


Whether adopted voluntarily or imposed through legislation,
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has an impact on
existing laws. This article examines the relationship between
CSR and compliance with corporate tax in Tanzania. It is
observed that, while on the one hand, ethical and moral
aspects of CSR should help to improve tax compliance in a
particular jurisdiction on the other hand, adoption of CSR
may come with corporate tax benefits to the companies.
However, given the wide range of activities of the state
which are financed by tax revenue, the article emphasizes
on the need to include an item on corporate tax compliance
in CSR reports. Also, it calls for deliberate efforts by the
state to improve and prioritize provision of public as well as
social services. Such measures will reduce reliance on CSR
programmes in the provision of public and social services,
aspects, which raise issues of legitimacy in a democratic

Key Words: CSR and corporate tax, corporate tax law, income
tax law, social welfare, public welfare, allowable


