Ninogeshe: Strategic Selection of Value Adding Terms in Advertisement and Slogan Creation by Corporations in Dar es Salaam


  • Norbert Mtavangu University of Dar es Salaam


Strategic choice of lexical items constitutes one of tactics that corporate
companies adopt when composing advertisements or creating slogans. The
paper presents a situation in which five corporate companies: Bakhresa Group,
CRDB Bank, Tanzania Telecommunication Corporation Limited, Viettel
Tanzania Public Limited Company (Halotel) and Tanzania Breweries Company
Limited converged in the use of one lexical item -noga in its various
derivations to generate advertisement and slogans for their products. To
establish a historical background of the term -noga and the reasons for this
convergence, the author reviews Bantu language dictionaries and relies on the
information from print press. The findings show that -noga is an old stem
carrying the meanings ô€‚¶ô€Šô€’ô€’ô€‡ô€‚·ô€€ô€€ƒ ô€‚¶ô€–ô€šô€ˆô€ˆô€—ô€‚·ô€€ƒ ô€’ô€•ô€€ƒ ô€‚¶ô€“ô€ô€ˆô€„ô€–ô€„ô€‘ô€—ô€‚·ô€€ƒ ô€Œô€‘ô€€ƒ ô€–ô€ˆô€™ô€ˆô€•ô€„ô€ô€€ƒ ô€€¥ô€„ô€‘ô€—ô€˜ô€€ƒ ô€ô€„ô€‘ô€Šô€˜ô€„ô€Šô€ˆô€–ô€€ƒ
spoken in Tanzania. The game theory which enlightened the interpretation of
the findings is used to explain that, -noga is favourable for advertisements
because it adheres to three characteristics of a potential value adding term.
Linguistically, it is analysable and it respects Bantu language rules;
sociolinguistically, it is popular and suitable to express aesthetical issues like
music and sports, and practically, it has a long and powerful tradition of
ô€ˆô€›ô€“ô€•ô€ˆô€–ô€–ô€Œô€‘ô€Šô€€ƒô€—ô€‹ô€ˆô€€ƒô€‘ô€’ô€—ô€Œô€’ô€‘ô€€ƒô€•ô€ˆô€ô€„ô€—ô€ˆô€‡ô€€ƒô€—ô€’ô€€ƒô€‚¶ô€ô€’ô€™ô€„ô€…ô€Œô€ô€Œô€—ô€œô€‚·ô€€‘ô€€ƒô€€¬ô€—ô€€ƒô€Œô€–ô€€ƒô€•ô€ˆô€†ô€’ô€ô€ô€ˆô€‘ô€‡ô€ˆô€‡, therefore that,
in the light of the choice of this stem among private business corporations,
studies could be extended to other linguistic items on how they can be used to
enhance productivity.
Key words: -noga, game theory, corporation, language

Author Biography

Norbert Mtavangu, University of Dar es Salaam

Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O.
Box 35040, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,



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