The Relationship between Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary Knowledge among Tanzanian Learners of Chinese


  • Cyprian T. K. Kilangi University of Dar es Salaam


This study investigates the relationship between the use of vocabulary learning
strategies and vocabulary knowledge. The participants in the study were 39
first-year students who had been enrolled on a Chinese language course at the
University of Dar es Salaam. Two measuring instruments were used to collect
the data: a vocabulary test and a vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire
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Strategy Inventory questionnaire. The findings reveal that the participants
actively used the vocabulary learning strategies. They also show that the
participants preferred strategies specific for learning over certain common
strategies. They also reveal that overall use of vocabulary learning strategies
ô€šô€„ô€–ô€€ƒô€“ô€’ô€–ô€Œô€—ô€Œô€™ô€ˆô€ô€œô€€ƒô€•ô€ˆô€ô€„ô€—ô€ˆô€‡ô€€ƒô€—ô€’ô€€ƒô€—ô€‹ô€ˆô€€ƒô€ô€ˆô€„ô€•ô€‘ô€ˆô€•ô€–ô€‚·ô€€ƒvocabulary knowledge.

Author Biography

Cyprian T. K. Kilangi, University of Dar es Salaam

ô€€Assistant Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, University of
Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35040, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


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