Etude Socio-pragmatique des Strategies de Salutation dans la Communaute Nuasúє
Cet article examine les différentes manières de saluer dans la communauté nuasuÌÉ›. La langue nuasuÌÉ› est parlée dans le Département du Mbam et Inoubou, dans la Région du Centre au Cameroun. L ' étude se préoccupe des aspects socio-pragmatiques véhiculés lors des salutations entre les locuteurs du nuasuÌÉ›. Elle utilise les théories de Hymes, l ' ethnographie de la communication (Hymes 1962) et les théories des actes de langage (Austin 1970) comme cadre théorique. Les données ont été collectées lors de nos interactions avec les locuteurs natifs du nuasuÌÉ› dans le village Yangben. Ces données ont été transcrites phonétiquement dans le but de constituer un corpus qui est présenté dans cet article sous forme de conversation. Les salutations en nuasuÌÉ› expriment la politesse, l ' affection, la tendresse et favorisent les relations interpersonnelles. Elles dépendent des variables sociolingistiques comme le statut social, la profession, le type de relation que les individus entretiennent. L ' acte de saluer véhicule la culture nuasuÌÉ›; il contient des informations qui permettent de déduire le niveau d ' enracinement culturel de ceux qui se saluent. Le contenu culturel que la salutation véhicule est en voie de disparition au sein de la communauté nuasuÌÉ› et surtout en milieu jeune à cause de l ' urbanisation croissante. Cet article contribue à la revitalisation de ces aspects culturels.
Mots clés: salutations, interactions, relations, informations, culture
This paper examines aspects of greetings in the NuasuÌÉ› language, spoken in Yangben in Mbam Inoubou Division of the Central Region in Cameroon. The study looks at the ways through which socio-pragmatic aspects of nuasuÌÉ› greetings are expressed through interactions between speakers in the course of ritual of greetings. It uses Hymes theories, "the Ethnography of speaking" (Hymes 1962) and the "speech acts theories" (Austin 1970) as the theoretical framework for the study. Data was collected through interactions with some native speakers living in Yangben village and the phonetic transcription was made to constitute a corpus. The corpus is presented in the form of conversations. Greetings in the language expresses politeness, affection, kindness and creates or fosters good inter personal relationships. The paper shows that greetings in nuasuÌÉ› depends on sociolinguistics variables such as social stature, profession, and also the type of relationship existing between those involved. The study demonstrates that the act of greeting in the language expresses the community culture; and is accompanied with different intentions that can show whether one is culturally rooted or civilized in the language. With growing urbanization and modernity, some of the cultural aspects of greetings seem to be disappearing progressively, particularly among the educated youths in the community. The paper reveals that greetings in nuasuÌÉ› take place with two participants; with one who introduces the conversation, and another who responds; even if such a response is not perfectly appropriate depending on the moment, circumstances and the implication of the one being greeted.
Keywords: greetings, interactions, relationship, intentions, culture
Copyright © by Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, University of Dar es Salaam
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