University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal

The University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal (UDSMLJ) is an  interdisciplinary academic journal that publishes scholarly articles on all aspects of Library, information Science and and related fields of study. These include organization of knowledge, information dissemination , information and knowledge management, Information Technology and its application, Management in  Libraries, Communication, Human Information Behavior, Records and Archives Management, Information Literacy, Information Retrieval, Reference Services and Information Systems. The journal is published twice a year in June and December. The journal is published twice per year, that is June and December. The information about editorial team is available through this link

All manuscripts are subjected to double blind peer review process before they are published. Manuscripts should be submitted via the UDSM journal system. For more information no how submit please contact the Chief editor at  The journal is indexed by Africa Journal Online (AJOL) at Full list of articles is accessed through correspondence should be addressed to:The Editor,E-mail:   

The journal is published twice per year, that is June and December.

All correspondence should be addressed to the Chief Editor, e-mail:

You can view the current issue by visiting this link 


©University of Dar es Salaam Library (2024)

e-ISSN: 2953-2515