Work Engagement among Employees of Health Based NGOs: Do all its Dimensions Matter for Quality Service Delivery?


  • Ismael Nkambwe Makerere University Business School-Uganda
  • Theresia Dominic University of Dar es Salaam Business School-Tanzania


This paper examined whether all the dimensions of work engagement matter for quality service delivery among the health-based NGOs, using evidence from Uganda. The data was collected through a questionnaire survey of 410 employees of health-based NGOs in Uganda. The study employed a structural equation modelling (SEM) technique using partial least square (PLS) to test the hypotheses. The results indicate that, unlike absorption, vigour and dedication do matter for quality service delivery among the NGOs in Uganda. Therefore, it is likely that the results may not be generalised to other contexts. The results show that in order to enhance quality service delivery among the NGOs, the focus should mainly be put on vigour and dedication of employees. The study provides initial developing country evidence, the dimensions of work engagement that matter for quality service delivery in health-based NGOs.

Key words: NGOs,   Vigour, Dedication, Absorption, Work engagement, Quality service delivery


