Assessing Electronic Waste Recycling and Disposal Intentions Based on an Extended Valence Theory in a Developing Country Context


  • Sonny Juma Nyeko Makerere University Business School
  • Judith Among Makerere University Business School
  • Boniface Abima Makerere University Business School
  • Cosmas Ogen Makerere University Business School


Abstract The severity of the E-waste dilemma may ascribe to the consumer ' s or end user ' s low involvement in making sure the appropriate disposal and recycling of those resources. Previous research has shown that the knowledge of behavioral determinant dimensions related to E-waste recycling and disposal intentions is still scrappy. Understanding the role of Government and E-waste awareness is key in E-waste disposal and recycling intentions, thus cannot get ignored. Based on a cross-sectional survey design and Valence Theory, the study examined the determinants of senior government employees ' E-waste recycling and disposal decisions and consequently developed a conceptual model. The study also examined the role of the Government in E-waste management as a moderator in the relationship between perceived benefits and E-waste disposal and recycling decisions. Upon obtaining 346 valid questionnaires from the employees in the Ugandan cities, the partial-least-squares structural equation modeling-(PLSSEM) assessed each construct ' s effectiveness. The findings reveal that perceived risks, the government ' s role, and E-waste awareness significantly predicted Ewaste recycling and disposal intentions. The moderation results were likewise positively significant. However, perceived benefits insignificantly predicted Ewaste disposal intentions. The study proposes an extended Valence Theory model, in addition to perceived risks and perceived benefits, to include the role of government and E-waste awareness in E-waste management when determining intentions to recycle and dispose of E-waste. Besides, the study assessed E-waste intentions of recycling and disposal in one study, a significant theoretical contribution. The study also provides insightful implications and recommendations.

Keywords: E-waste; Extended Valence Theory, Moderator, Recycling and Disposal Intentions.


