Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance of United Nations Agencies in Nairobi, Kenya


  • Mulwa Victoria
  • Onserio Nyamwange
  • Mutisya Harley


This paper presents results from a study on influence of Sustainable
Supply Chain Practices on performance of UN Agencies in Nairobi,
Kenya. The study was guided by the following research objectives:
to establish the SSCP adopted by UN agencies in Kenya and the
extent to which these practices have been adopted; to determine the
relationship between SSCP adopted by UN agencies and their
performance; and to establish challenges faced by UN agencies in
implementing SSCP. The research adapted a correlation crosssectional research design in collecting data from respondents. The
study involved a census of the UN Agencies in Nairobi. The primary
tool for collecting data was questionnaires administered by the
researchers to allow for further probing on issues that not unclear to  the respondents. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics,
regression analysis, correlation analysis and factor analysis with the
aid of SPSS 20.0.
Findings from the study revealed that stakeholder engagement,
having a diverse supplier network, ensuring suppliers have a sustainable
policy, good working conditions for employees, employee health and
safety as well as ethical sourcing, production and distribution were
highly adopted. The findings also showed that through adoption of
SSC practices, UN agencies were able to get new market
opportunities, increased their operational as well as production
efficiencies, reduced their costs and improved the organizations '
corporate image. Funding limitation and delays, procurement delays,
strains in control, and staff resistance to adopting change were shown
to be some of the challenges faced by UN Agencies. It is suggested
that training of employees, community training and having a
sustainable policy would help in curbing the challenges. It is evident
from the correlation analysis that adopting SSC practices had an effect
on performance of these organizations.


