Editorial Team

Chief Editor:

Prof. Evelyn I. Mbede

School of Mining and GeoSciences (SoMG), College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, P. O. Box 35065 Dar es Salaam – Tanzania; Telephone:  +255 22 2410129  E-mail address: tjs@udsm.ac.tz

Deputy Chief Editor:

Prof. Thomas J. Lyimo, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 
College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Email: tjlyimo@udsm.ac.tz

Associate Chief Editors:

Dr. Egbert Mujuni, Associate Chief Editor-Mathematics and Computational Sciences Section, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, E-mail: egbertmujuni2016@gmail.com; emujuni@udsm.ac.tz

Prof. Samora Macrice Andrew, Associate Chief Editor-Biological Sciences Section, Department of Botany, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam,  E-mail: tjs_bio@udsm.ac.tz

Dr. Paul T.S. Limbu, Associate Chief Editor-Physical Sciences Section, Department of Physics, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,  E-mail: paul.limbu@ymail.com

Deputy Associate Chief Editors:

Dr. Anitha Byabato Philbert, Deputy Associate Chief Editor- Biological Sciences Section, Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation, College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dar es Salaam, Email: philbert.anitha@udsm.ac.tz

Technical Editor:

Dr. Clarence A. Mgina, Chemistry Department, College of Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS), University of Dar es Salaam, P. O. Box 35061 Dar es Salaam, Email address: cmgina@yahoo.com

Deputy Technical Editor:

Mr. Omari Hamisi Juma, Department of Physics, College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam,
omarihamisi853@gmail.com, omari.hamisi@udsm.ac.tz ; Phone number: +255 625 609 400

Internal Editors:

Dr. Joseph Y.N. Philip, Chemistry Department, College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; E-mail: josephyoeza68@gmail.com; jynphilip@udsm.ac.tz

Dr. Lwitiko P. Mwakyusa, Department of Physics, College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dar es Salaam, E-mail: lpholds37@gmail.com, mwakyusa.lwitiko@udsm.ac.tz

Dr. Hashim Mangosongo, Department of Botany, College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; E-mail: hashimmangosongo@gmail.com

Dr. Jasson John, Department of  Zoology and Wildlife Conservation, College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; E-mail: wildornithology@udsm.ac.tz

Dr. Idrissa Amour, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, E-mail:  idrissaamour@gmail.com, amour.idrissa@udsm.ac.tz

Dr. Cassy Mtelela, Department of Geosciences, College of Natural and Applied Science, University of Dar es Salaam, E-mail:

Prof. Samwel V. Manyele, Chemical and Processing Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology; E-mail: sammanyele@gmail.com;

External Editors:

Prof. Christopher M. Maghanga, School of Science, Engineering & Technology, Kabarak University, P.O. Private Bag Kabarak - 20157, Nakuru, Kenya, E-mail: c.maghanga@yahoo.com, cmaghanga@kabarak.ac.ke

Prof. Stanford Shateyi, School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
University of Venda, South Africa, E-mail: Stanford.Shateyi@univen.ac.za  

Dr. Paul Okullo, National Agricultural Research Organisation, Nabuin Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute, P.O. Box 132 Moroto, paul.okullo@gmail.com

Prof. Rufus Sha’Ato, Department of Chemistry, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Pmb 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, rshaato@gmail.com

International Advisory Board:

Prof. Malik Maaza, iThemba LABS-National Research Foundation, P. O. Box 722, Somerset 7129, South Africa, E-mail: maaza@tlabs.ac.za, maazam@unisa.ac.za

Prof. Overtoun Jenda, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University, United States of America, E-mail:  jendaov@auburn.edu 

Prof. Norbert J. Cordeiro, Department of Biological, Physical and Health Sciences (Mc WB 814), Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605, USA & Science and Education, The Field Museum, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605 USA . Email: ncordeiro@roosevelt.edu; ncordeiro@fieldmuseum.org

Prof. Weston F. Mwase, Department of Forestry & Horticulture, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bunda Campus, P.O. Box 219, Lilongwe, Malawi; e-mail: westmwase@yahoo.co.uk.

Dr. Zeinab Shirvani, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Urban Planning and Environment, Geoinformatics, TEKNIKRINGEN 10A, 10044 STOCKHOLM,  Email:  zeinabsh@kth.se,

Prof. Neil John Coville, School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Neil.Coville@wits.ac.za