Review Policy and Publication Frequency

Peer Review Process

This journal operates a blind review process. Authors are required to provide full contact details (including institutions, email addresses and telephone numbers) of five (5) potential reviewers. At least two of the suggested reviewers should not be from the same institution as the author. All manuscripts go through at least one round of review, usually two to three, although sometimes can be more than three. Each manuscript is initially evaluated by the Chief Editor or subject editor for checking suitability of the content for the journal. That paper judged by the editors to be of insufficient scientific interest or generally unsuitable is rejected promptly without formal review. The paper deemed suitable is then sent to at least two expert reviewers (typically two to six reviewers) to assess the scientific quality of the paper. Quality reports from at least two reviewers are required to make a reliable decision. Editors and reviewers should treat the articles they handle with confidentiality and should not use knowledge of the work before its publication to advance their own interests. Reviewers will remain anonymous. In conclusions of their reports, the reviewers/referees are required to recommend one of the following options: (i) Accept without revision, (ii) Accept after minor revisions, (iii) Accept after the major revisions/changes suggested, (iv) Reject but may be revised and resubmitted for re-evaluation, or (v) Reject. The revised manuscripts and author(s)’ responses to the reviewers’ comments are evaluated by the subject editors and Chief Editor. Manuscripts recommended major revisions are sent back to the reviewers for re-evaluation. The Chief Editor is responsible for the final decision concerning acceptance or rejection of papers.

Publication Frequency

From 2021, the journal is publishing four (4) regular issues per year.  The issues are published in the following order.

     Issue 1:           February/March

     Issue 2:          May/June

     Issue 3:          August/September

     Issue 4:          November/December

In addition, the journal can publish special issues.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.