Healthy ageing through healthy living style

Mamta Tricha


Ageing is not necessarily a burden, and it does not necessarily decrease a person’s ability to contribute to a society. Older people play a valuable role in society and can also enjoy a high quality of life .This depends on treating “ageing” as an opportunity rather than a burden. Research has shown that healthy lifestyles are more influential than genetic factors in helping seniors avoid the deterioration traditionally associated with ageing. The development of healthy ageing provides an overview and evidence to support priority issues such as healthy eating, physical activity, mindful meditation, regular exercise, injury prevention, tobacco cessation, social connectedness and positive thinking. A healthy lifestyle in advanced age is positively related to a reduced mortality risk and delay in the deterioration of one’s health status. In Tanzania, only 2.9 percent of the population is aged 65 and above. However, as the country develops more people will live beyond 65 and, thus, there is a need to promote practices and policies that support ad sustain life for increasing number of older population. This article describes some health policies practised in India and explores the possibilities of promoting them in Tanzania.

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