Examining the infuence of Sexuality Education Programmes on Tanzanian Pupils ' Knowledge and Skills on Pregnancy: A case of Primary Schools in Morogoro Region


  • Margreth Bilinga Lecturer, Dar es Salaam Univerity College of Education, University of Dar es Salaam


Knowing about serious health-related problems is an essential gateway towards prevention, treatment, and care about oneself. This study presents fndings on pupils ' knowledge and skills about pregnancy and pregnancy control measures in the integrated sexuality education contents. The study was conducted through mixed method approach drawing a sample of 204 respondents from two districts in Morogoro Region, Tanzania. The data were collected through structured interview and focus group discussion methods. The fndings revealed that, the integrated sexuality education in schools has not been very effective in informing pupils on investigated aspects. Some basic aspects related to pregnancy and pregnancy control measures are still mysteries to most pupils. Comparatively, rural pupils indicated less knowledge than their urban counterparts. The study recommends more efforts by teachers in educating pupils on sexuality education concepts. Moreover, concerted efforts should be involved, and they should involve, among others, health professionals and community-based organisations to provide sexuality information to adolescents so as to address problems related to sexual risks, including pregnancy.

Keywords: Sexuality education, sex education, health education, pregnancy, pregnancy protective measures


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