Editorial Correspondence

Editorial correspondence, including manuscripts for submission, should be sent to: The Chief Editor, Associate Editors, or the Editorial Office, Papers in Education and Development (PED), School of Education, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35048, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Authors are advised to submit their papers in electronic form, as an attachment, to e-mail: ped@ udsm.ac.tz

Website: http://ped.ac.tz/

As one might notice, PED has travelled a long way, from humble beginnings to the current stature. In terms of form and appearance, we would say that the journal has passed through 3 stages of production mode.

1975—1980s. It began operating as a mimeograph, produced on type-written text, proof-read by the author or a selected specialist, stencilled and reproduced on rotary “cyclostyling” machine, before review-editing by the Editorial Committee or an appointee for the job.


1980s—1989. Particularly for some two or three issues since Issue No. 9 of 1984, PED was processed on a printing machine by experienced linotype printers [at that time available at a Printing Press in Morogoro].


1990s—Present. Desktop publishing by advanced, computer-assisted printing techniques [as currently used by KAD, DUP and other publishers].


Currently, PED ranks among some of the ‘nice’ sister-journals in education (and in the social sciences in general) in Tanzania, east Africa and beyond, such as (or, seeking to perform as well as):

¨      Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review [EASSRR] (OSSREA, Addis Ababa);

¨      Southern Africa Review of Education [SARE] (SACHES - http://www.saches.co.za)

¨     International Journal of Educational Development [IJED] (ELSEVIER http://www.elsevier.com)

¨      Educational Research Review; and others.