Editorial Committee

Prof. A. Mnenuka  (Chief Editor), University of Dar es Salaam, amnenuka@udsm.ac.tz

Dkt. T. Mpemba (Associate Editor), University of Dar es Salaam, mpembatitus@gmail.com  

Prof. S.O. Mchepange, University of Dar es Salaam, shaniom@yahoo.co.uk

Dkt. E.S. Mosha, University of Dar es Salaam, moshaernesta@yahoo.co.nz

Prof. C. Momanyi, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, clara@cuea.edu   

Dkt. P.M.Y. Ngugi, Kenyatta University, ngugi.pamela@ku.ac.ke

Dkt. F.K. Sosoo, University of Ghana, fksosoo@ug.edu.gh

Dkt. D. Ochieng, The Open University of Tanzania, dunotis@yahoo.com