The Relationship between Learners ' Intelligence Profiles and Performance in Computer Application Skills
This paper reports on an investigation that was conducted to explore the relationship between learners ' intelligence profiles and their skills and ability to use computer applications while working on open-ended digital learning tasks. The theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner (1983) was used as a framework for the study. The qualitative research approach was used, which involved 40 secondary school learners in Tanzania, who completed three open-ended digital learning tasks. Performance assessment procedures were used to assess the learners ' performance abilities, identify the relationship between the learners ' intelligence profiles and their skills and ability to use computer applications. The results of the study suggest that there is a positive relationship between learners ' cognitive abilities (intelligence profiles), and the open-ended, digital learning tasks that are related to their academic level. As a result, the study recommended the use of learner-centred instruction that appreciates learners ' diverse skills, abilities, talents and performance as they work on open-ended tasks.
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