The State of Human Rights Education in Tanzania Issues and Challenges


  • Philemon A. K. Mushi University of Dar es Salaam


Realizing the critical role played by human rights education (HRE) in creating a world of sustainable development and social justice, this paper examines the practices of HRE in Tanzania and delineates areas that require government intervention. Although efforts have been made by the Government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide HRE, the level of human rights awareness is low; there is no specific policy and programme on HRE. NGOs that are offering HRE are operating in isolation and most of their activities are confined to urban areas. There is a need to develop a comprehensive programme on HRE to improve human rights awareness among children, youth and adults. There is also the need to establish an agency that will coordinate HRE activities to avoid unnecessary duplication and to promote networking among the stakeholders.


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