Predictors of students’ participation in science and mathematics subjects in Tanzanian secondary schools


  • Florence Kyaruzi Department of Educational Psychology and Curriculum Studies University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


predictors, student participation, secondary school, science and mathematics


This study investigated the factors that predict secondary school students’ participation in science and mathematics subjects in Tanzania. The data were collected from 1,382 Form 2 students sampled from sixteen public secondary schools using a validated questionnaire and focus group discussions. Data were analysed by using descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and content analysis techniques. The quantitative findings from regression analysis indicated that prior performance and teachers’ instructional feedback significantly predicted students’ participation in mathematics and science subjects. Also, students whose parents had higher education were more interested in science and mathematics than those whose parents had lower education. Qualitative findings showed that a shortage of teachers, textbooks, and lab equipment barred students’ participation in science and mathematics subjects. The findings call for the enhancement of science and mathematics teachers’ instructional and feedback practices to promote a learner-centred learning environment.


